Free resources to grow your positive impact

Get started with some free resources for social impact success! My mission with FairChange is to help business leaders and entrepreneurs put their purpose into action with practical tools that benefit workers, suppliers, customers and local communities. Download the eBooks and Quick Guides of your choice below (and come back soon for more free purpose & impact goodies – I’ll be regularly updating this page!)

FairChange People & Planet Calendar 2024 Preview

Always up-to-date with the People & Planet Calendar 2024

This unique calendar is a must-have for any impact business. Never miss an occasion to celebrate an inclusive organizational culture and promote a healthy planet with happy people as part of your stakeholder communication and social media outreach. The 2024 edition lists over 366 International Awareness Days, Religious Celebrations, Green and Social Events, and a Sustainable Development Goals Planner.

FairChange Storytelling Resource Page

Captivating storytelling for positive impact

For impact entrepreneurs and purpose-driven businesses, telling meaningful stories about the people we support is key to successful marketing. Our job is to tell stories that sell and make real impact.

On our Impact Storytelling resource page, we offer a set of complementary quick action tools to springboard your purpose-driven communication success.

Free Purpose driven business decisions checklist FairChange

Purpose-driven business decisions made easy

Business leaders and entrepreneurs who combine profits with impact make decisions that are not based on revenue growth alone. But how do you do this?

In this quick guide, FairChange has broken down “P U R P O S E – D R I V E N” business decisions for you, highlighting the 13 key criteria that set them apart. It includes an easy-to-apply questionnaire you can use when facing large and small decisions in your do-good enterprise.

FairChange Social Impact Series


Social Impact: Strategies for Success

Purpose-driven companies have many opportunities to build a better world. In this 5-volume Why-And-How series, you’ll find starter guides on Social impact management, Stakeholder engagement, Sustainable Development Goals, Human rights promotion, and Conflict prevention.

I developed this Beginner’s Toolkit several years ago for corporate clients that were taking their first steps into doing business with positive impact in Latin America and Colombia. This series contains key insights on why and how to get started, whether you are a big company, a small or medium-sized business, or a solo entrepreneur.