Katja’s publications, research and tools

On this page I’ve included some of the books, reports, articles, research papers I’ve written and contributed to, and toolkits for positive impact business that I co-created. Most of this work was done for other organizations – note that the publishers hold the intellectual property rights in these cases.

If you’re interested in tailor-made impact tools by FairChange for impact entrepreneurs and businesses, please visit the Free Resources page. Looking for the latest FairChange news and articles? You can find them here.


Landmark EU Directive requires companies to address child labour

Press statement on the occasion of the approval of the landmark EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, CSDDD. As the Work: No Child’s Business (WNCB) alliance and like-minded organizations, we have successfully advocated for the inclusion of an effective child rights focus into the Directive. We have also called for meaningful stakeholder engagement with children as a vulnerable group, aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. – WNCB Alliance – Save the Children Netherlands, UNICEF Netherlands and the Stop Child Labour Coalition

EmPaz Business assessment tool for peace

EmPaz, Assessment tool for business and peace

EmPaz is a toolkit to measure and enhance businesses’ contribution to peace building in contexts affected by conflict. Informed by international standards including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines, the SDGs and the Principles for Responsible Investment, we developed this comprehensive tool for companies of all sizes and across sectors. Delivers an analysis of impact and opportunities in key dimensions such as Inclusive economic development, Environmental sustainability, Human capital, and Governance – Fundación Ideas para la Paz (Ideas for Peace Foundation) and CCB – Bogota Chamber of Commerce

Catalyst 2030 Ethical Storytelling Guide-Cover

Ethical Storytelling Principles for impact entrepreneurs

How-to guide on capturing and telling the stories of local producers, artisans, communities and other groups that impact enterprises work with and support in an ethical and captivating way. I developed the Ethical Storytelling guide as part of the Impact Measurement and Storytelling Toolkit for the Catalyst 2030 – today: Catalyst Now – global network for collective action to achieve the SDGs and drive systems change.

Corporate Human Rights Reporting cover

Corporate Human Rights Reporting in Colombia: Analysis and recommendations

Key findings from my in-depth study analyzing the GRI human rights reporting practices of 60 national and multinational companies operating in Colombia in 10 high-risk industries. With recommendations to improve quality and accuracy, data collection processes and stakeholder engagement. Graduation study for the Master’s degree in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Universidad Externado and Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs. Original full research paper available in Spanish.

nxtile Sea Sheperd article cover

nxtile: Innovating benefit partnerships with Sea Shepherd

nxtile, a front-running producer of 100% recycled cotton serving retail, hospitality and merchandising companies in Europe, is keen to invest in cross-sector partnerships. A good example is alliance with marine conservation organization Sea Sheperd, where business and oceans benefit.

ONUM-FIP Herramienta Mujer y Paz

Gender equality organizational assessment tool

ConexionEsPaz: Herramienta de diagnóstico organizacional con enfoque de género (“Gender equality organizational assessment tool”). Adapted to conflict-affected contexts, this tool enables organizations committed to women’s economic empowerment and inclusion to assess and improve their governance and practices around gender equality and female worker’s rights. – UN Women and FIP

IKEA co-workers support social entrepreneurs creating better everyday lives

A series of interviews I did with IKEA co-workers around the world showcases how their experiences as voluntary coaches and mentors for innovating social enterprises provide valuable insights for these entrepreneurs and the IKEA business. – Article for IKEA Social Entrepreneurship BV

Cumbre Premios Nobel de Paz pic-ODS

Corporate action on the SDGs to promote peace and sustainable development

Article: Los ODS: herramienta de acción empresarial para la paz (“The SDGs: a business action tool for peace”), in: XVI World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: Business contribution to peace and sustainable development, challenges and opportunitiesFundación Ideas para la Paz (Ideas for Peace Foundation) and CCB – Bogota Chamber of Commerce

Open Democracy-Post-conflict Investing in women

Open Democracy: Investing in gender equality to build post-conflict society

My article on Investing in gender equality, part of Open Democracy’s Postconflict in Colombia series, argues that a corporate perspective with a focus on gender equality equates to investing in the development of strong businesses in peaceful societies. Article available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Customer research: Quality handbags made with love for people and planet

With my sustainable communications enterprise Katmondo Media I supported the cooperative organization NIDO, Bogota, with customer research for the launch of a new line of eco handbags. By applying the “lean data” survey methodology, we identified customer needs vis-à-vis the sustainable handbags, produced by leather workers in disadvantaged contexts.

Women’s economic empowerment and peacebuilding: Agenda for action

Agenda de trabajo Empresas, empoderamiento económico de mujeres y construcción de paz (“Business, women’s economic empowerment and peacebuilding: agenda for action”). Our guide builds on international benchmarks and standards such as the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, and field research in different regions. Shows businesses how to support women-led enterprises that contribute to the sustainable development of local and regional economies. – UN Women, UN Global Compact and FIP

Revista Javeriana-Paz buen negocio

Javeriana Magazine: Is peace good business?

Some with skepticism and others with hope, business leaders are asking themselves if and how they can contribute to sustainable peace. In our article ¿La paz sí es un buen negocio? (“Is peace good business?”), we underscore the vital role of the private sector in post-conflict reconstruction – FIP-Business, Human Rights and Peace area for Revista Javeriana 

Find more articles, customer research and sustainability communications assets I developed for do-good organizations on my Katmondo Media portfolio page. In English, Spanish and Dutch.

You cannot mandate productivity, you must provide the tools to let people become their best.

Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. founder, inventor, and investor