Get the skills you need to do business with positive social impact
Are you looking to gain the skills and competencies to do business with a higher purpose and grow your company’s positive social impact? Or seeking in-depth knowledge in specific areas tailored to your operating context? At FairChange, I offer in-person training and online courses for individuals and teams. Learn with ease about key social sustainability topics and quickly implement training results in your daily operations.
Below you’ll find an overview of in-demand topics delivered as short FairChange Masterclasses and two signature training programs: From Purpose to Performance, and Social Impact Roadmap.
Masterclasses and workshops
Quickly gain expertise in social sustainability and impact leadership with FairChange courses. Here’s a shortlist of topics of choice delivered to companies across sectors, as online Masterclasses or in-person Workshops:
Social sustainability and Human rights courses
Creating value with social sustainability
Understand how social sustainability creates value for your company and people inside and outside your organization. Learn how to incorporate the social aspects of key ESG frameworks and responsible business regulations into your strategy and operations.
Targeted at company directors, managers, founders, and boards; at decision makers in related areas, including Sustainability, HR, Finance, Legal & Compliance, Supply chain management and procurement; and staff responsible for implementation and control of new responsible business regulations, including the EU CSRD and CSDDD.
Human rights due diligence at work
Align your strategies with leading social responsibility and human rights standards and new legislation. Focusing on your business context, this course takes you through the six steps of the due diligence process to prevent and address human rights risks in your organization, operating area, and supply chain.
Directed at decision makers and operational officers in Human rights, Sustainability, Supply chain management and procurement, Risk and impact assessment, Finance, Legal & Compliance; and staff responsible for implementation and control of new responsible business regulations, including the EU CSRD and CSDDD.
Ending child labour with area-based solutions
If we want to tackle child labour at the root, divesting or ending contracts with at-risk suppliers is not the answer. In this course, you’ll learn how to identify child labour in international supply chains and how to engage meaningfully with cross-sector partners to find sustainable alternatives for children and communities in sourcing countries.
Designed for leaders and decision-makers in companies with international supply chains and SMEs interacting as sourcing and supply chain partners.
Skills for a green and just transition
Understand how the transition to a green and circular, zero-emissions economy is intertwined with reducing adverse impacts on people, and how it can drive inclusivity, green jobs, and resilient communities. You’ll walk away with a blueprint for a company-level green and just transition plan, from impact assessment and stakeholder dialogue to delivery.
Targeted at company directors, managers, founders, and boards, and staff responsible for climate, environment, sustainability, and human rights.
Communications and Stakeholder engagement courses
Transparent disclosure with responsible communications
New anti-greenwashing regulations, growing consumer scrutiny and evolving industry standards put transparent communication at the forefront. First and foremost, it’s the right thing to do if you are a responsible business.
This course provides you with the essentials of truthful messaging about your green and social impact, products and practices, so that consumers, B2B clients and regulators can be sure the claims you make in your marketing and communications are based on solid grounds.
Developed for managers and teams responsible for external communications, marketing, sustainability reporting, public affairs, green finance and impact investment, implementation and control of Green claims & Anti-greenwashing regulations.
Stakeholder engagement: from meaningful dialogue to action
Effective stakeholder engagement is pivotal for the success of a wide variety of business activities, including green and just transition planning, human rights due diligence, and sustainability reporting. It is essential if you want to secure your social license to operate.
In this course you’ll learn how to maintain a long-term, constructive dialogue with groups and communities that matter, and incorporate the results into your decision making and operations.
Directed at managers and teams responsible for stakeholder engagement, community relations, human rights due diligence, communications, sustainability reporting, staff responsible for implementation and control of new responsible business regulations, including the EU CSRD and CSDDD.
Ethical Storytelling for positive impact
Impact storytelling about the change your company creates for people is a powerful marketing tool. Doing it in an ethical way is key.
This course will walk you through the nine ethical storytelling principles for positive impact. Master the basics of crafting narratives that respect the dignity and authenticity of the local producers, communities and individuals you support. Learn how to incorporate their stories into your marketing communications to turn customers into engaged ambassadors for your company.
Designed for communications and marketing officers at companies that market goods or services from producers in global supply chains, support specific communities, or work with people from vulnerable and underrepresented groups.
Impact leadership and Career courses
Skills for impact leadership success
What knowledge and skills do you need to drive people and planet positive impact? Which attitudes and behaviors make the difference between an ordinary leader and a change agent?
This course gives you the tools to excel as a mission-aligned leader and leverage your influence to accelerate transformation within and outside the workplace.
Designed for company directors, managers, team leaders, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and changemakers in roles across the organization.
Future-proof with purpose
Define your higher purpose as an agent of change in your business or team. In the course, we’ll focus on three pillars of purpose that will let you and your organization stay ahead of the curve.
Find your core values: the principles that guide your decisions and actions. Define your vision: the north star that guides you as a business leader. Determine the mission: the why and how that’ll get your people on board to work together towards a shared vision.
Targeted at company directors, entrepreneurs, founders, managers, and team leaders.
Shaping your career in sustainability
Specially designed for emerging impact leaders. If you’re a starter in the job market or a mid-career professional transitioning into the green and social sector, this is the course for you.
Get an overview of the latest job trends and find your niche in the job market. Learn to identify your ideal work environment, and how to unlock the skills and competencies you need to succeed.
You’ll walk away with an action plan to build your dream career in sustainability, starting tomorrow.
FairChange courses are delivered as 1 to 1,5 hour workshops or masterclasses, online or in person. Depending on your needs, the listed themes can also be offered in an extended format as a miniseries of 3 to 4 modules.
Is your topic of choice not included in this list? Reach out and ask. Whenever it is within my area of competence or that of my trusted associate facilitators, we can make it work!
Interested in FairChange courses? Book a call or drop me an email:

Signature Training Programs
FairChange training programs combine self-paced learning with personalized coaching. Enrol as an individual or with your team!
Learn online or offline, and plan learning moments and coaching sessions according to your agenda. By interacting one-on-one with you at necessary intervals, we’ll make sure you can easily embed the action steps and skills you’ve acquired into your business practice.

From Purpose to Performance
Build and grow a purpose-driven company that attracts conscious consumers who proudly purchase your products while supporting the cause that moves your business.
Learn to apply the “5P-Path” leading from passion to purchase, developed by FairChange for enterprises that are committed to being a force for good.
At the end of this training program, you will master the knowledge and skills to successfully incorporate these five steps into your policies and practices:
From purpose to performance is the program of choice for startups, scale-ups and established businesses.
It is especially helpful if you are a passionate impact entrepreneur launching or growing your company and looking for clarity to stay on purpose while increasing in size and profitability.
If you are a leader in an established business, this training will enable you to define or redefine the guiding values and vision you need to move forward in an ever-changing environment.
Companies transforming from profit-only to mission-driven enterprises and firms spanning generations and seeking to align today’s purpose to the ambitions that drove the early founders also greatly benefit from this program.
From purpose to performance consists of 7 weekly modules, each requiring a time investment of 4 to 6 hours a week, including lessons, assignments and coaching support.

Social Impact Roadmap
Develop a social impact strategy that is aligned with leading responsible business standards and creates sustainable value for people inside and outside your organization.
This training program walks you through the FairChange six-step Social Impact Management Cycle. Informed by the well-known PDCA cycle for continuous improvement and global frameworks like the OECD Due Diligence Guidelines.
As a result of the training, you’ll have designed a context-specific social sustainability strategy for your business, with mechanisms to measure and grow its impact.
This training is designed for company directors, entrepreneurs, founders, and project managers looking for an impact strategy framework that enables ambitious outcome planning while being adaptable to real-time changes in the operating context.
The Social impact roadmap training programme consists of 8 modules, each requiring a time investment of 4 to 6 hours a week, including lessons, assignments and coaching support.
From Purpose to Performance and the Social Impact Roadmap training programs are offered in a hybrid format. They combine pre-recorded videos and learning materials for download and completion with live sessions. Held weekly, these live meetings consist of Q&A and coaching calls with me, your training facilitator, and expert professionals as invited guest coaches.
Do you prefer in-person, on-site training? Please reach out so we can discuss options!
If you are interested in one of the FairChange signature business training programs, I invite you to book a call or drop me an email:
The FairChange learning approach
With my courses, workshops and signature business training programs, I promote organizational learning and skills development of teams and individuals. The goal is to install the capacities so that your company can effectively make a positive social impact in the long term.
FairChange training programs and courses build on insights from international best practices, key responsible business conduct standards and frameworks, and on-the-ground experience.
Expect much more than textbook knowledge. Wherever relevant, learning modules reflect lessons from real-life challenges and opportunities, gained while working with companies, communities and cross-sector stakeholders in industrialized and developing markets.
Invited trainers and course facilitators I collaborate with, share the same heartfelt passion and pragmatic outlook.
Even if contexts differ, the basic steps of building purpose-driven organizations and scaling social impact apply anywhere. That’s why FairChange training programs are informed by proven approaches that are adaptable to your specific mission and operating environment.

Not sure which learning option best fits your company’s needs? Or do you prefer personalized training? Email or schedule a free, 15-minute Consulting Call. Let’s find the learning option that works for you!
Leadership must be guided by the lights of learning and reason, as opposed to rhetoric and seemingly swift and simple solutions to every world problem.
John F. Kennedy (undelivered speech, November 1962)